Museum of Mathematics (MoMath): "Breaking Limits and Influencing the Future" - Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 pm AST

Museum of Mathematics (MoMath): "Breaking Limits and Influencing the Future" - Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 pm AST

by Bernd Sing -
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Dear math fans,

Join MoMath online this Tuesday, March 5, at 6:30 pm ET (7:30pm Barbados Time), for "Breaking Limits and Influencing the Future," a panel discussion presented by MoMath's Mathematics Outreach Seminar and Training (MOST) program.

In this engaging conversation, six early-career female mathematicians and Fellows from the MOST program ( celebrate women’s impact in mathematics, share their personal experiences, and provide advice for careers in math.  Meet Angela AvilaAriana BrownSarah ChehadeKathryn GrebelRachel Lawrence, and Elena Wang, and come with questions and a curiosity for what a research career is like.

This event will particularly inspire young women interested in a future career in mathematics — be sure to help spread the word about this event to all the mathematically-minded young women in your life!

Register for free at

National Museum of Mathematics